VAF-New England Annual Meeting
Landscapes of Diversity:
The Cultural Complexity of New England's Built Environment
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Fuller Conference Center ~ Old Sturbridge Village
Sturbridge, MA
Registration and Coffee
“Imaging New Netherland: Origins and Survival of Netherlandic Architecture in North America,” Jeroen Van Den Hurk, Salve Regina University
Building English Houses: Evidence from the Mashantucket Pequot and Hassanamisco Nipmuc Reservations, Myron Stachiw, Independent Scholar/Consultant in Social and Architectural History and Holly Izard, Worcester Historical Museum
11:40 to 12:00
VAF 2021 Conference in Plymouth, MA, J. Ritchie Garrison, University of Delaware
12:00 to 1:30
Box lunches ($20) will be offered at the Oliver Wight Tavern. Other lunch options are also available at the Museum and in nearby Sturbridge. Please reserve lunch by March 13!
VAF-New England Chapter Annual Meeting (VAF members)
President’s Report; Secretary’s Report; Treasurer’s Report; Board Nominations and Vote; Fieldtrip Committee Report
The Architecture of La Survivance: Creating Quebecois Community in Early Twentieth-century New Hampshire, Peter Michaud, Cultural Resources Manager, United States Navy
The World in One Square Mile: The Cultural Landscape of Central Falls, Rhode Island, Gretchen Pineo and Virginia H. Adams, Public Archaeology Laboratory
New England’s Connected Farmhouse Architecture: An Investigation for the National Historic Landmarks Program, Roger Reed, National Register and National Historic Landmarks Programs
2018 VAF National Conference: The 2019 Annual VAF National Meeting—Landscapes of Succession--will be held in Philadelphia, PA from 29 May to June 1, 2019. For more information, please go to:
VAF-NE Board of Directors (2018 - 2019): Laura B. Driemeyer, President; Peter Michaud, Vice President; Michael Steinitz, Treasurer; Karen Robbins, Secretary; Directors: Nicole Benjamin-Ma, Stephen Fan, Elizabeth Peebles, Elaine Stiles, and Zachary Violette (one vacancy).